It's Time!
to Order the Hanging Flower Baskets for Historic Downtown
We Need Your Help!
This is our Downtown,
Each May flower baskets are hung from the light poles on Main from Powell to 5th and 3rd from Main to the Arts Plaza, adding beauty and vitality to our Historic Downtown Core.
Due to budget constraints the City is no longer able to add the baskets or manage their upkeep. HDGA must oversee the basket purchase, install and maintenance. We have received bids and selected a local company to install and maintain.
These baskets add vibrant color to our Historic core, and are seen by all who visit the area
We need to show our commitment to Historic Downtown and our community
Each basket costs $325 which includes the basket, install, watering and removal
We have ordered 45 baskets for the area
We need to have all payments by end of May
Please help by purchasing your baskets and maybe one for your neighbor who has struggled more than usual during this past year.
Let’s Work Together
to make OUR town Beautiful
1 Basket + Watering $325
Checks payable to:
Historic Downtown Gresham Business Association
PO Box 2312
Gresham, OR 97030